Request of U.S. entry waiver

You’re planning on travelling to the United States and fearing your entry denied because you have a Canadian criminal record?

Be reassured: it is possible to prevent such nightmare with a U.S. waiver application

Whether for personal or business reasons, start your U.S. waiver process now as it will take from 8 to 14 months to get completed!

Start today!​

Did you know?

  • You may also experience problems when travelling through U.S. airport facilities. 1
  • A pardon for an offence issued by Canadian authorities is not recognized under U.S. law to enter the United States. 1
  • Even though you may have entered the United States without hindrance in the past, you could run into difficulty if your record shows a criminal conviction or a previous denial of entry. 1


1 Source: gouvernement du Canada/ Travel Advice and Advisories

Using OUR services, what does it mean to you?

  • Lack of administrative delays due to ill-treatment.
  • Avoiding multiple travel time during your working hours usually required to obtain the necessary documents for the application.
  • The absence of multiple calls and endless searches to properly master the steps to follow.
  • Allowing you to spend quality time with the loved ones. Having peace of mind and confidence while your request will be treated with professionalism and confidentiality!

Our added value

Empreinte Digitale Québec  is THE solution for you.
AVAILABILITY, QUICKNESS and the SECURING your information remains our PRIORITY!

Digital fingerprinting service by appointment only.

Empreinte Digitale Québec offers different support alternatives ranging from a simple free consultation to a turnkey package.

Reach out to us now for a free evaluation. It will be our pleasure to visit you!  2

Request a free evaluation today

2 Some restrictions apply. Contact us for more information about the details.